The human body is two in one. Two bodies, both a physical and a spiritual, make up one body. Each individual body needs to be fed to survive. Each has its own kind of food and nutrients, but they both need each other to survive because they are one. Jesus said, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4) They both rely heavily on each other.
The physical body is your responsibility, and it's your obligation to ensure that it is well taken care of. The spiritual body is God's responsibility, and it's His obligation to ensure that it is well taken care of.
When the physical body is hungry, it craves for natural food. Even if you provide spiritual food, it will last for only a while and then you must eat, or else you will die. However, because the spiritual body needs the physical body to operate on earth, you have to take care of it with diligence. In others words, feed it with what it needs, not what it wants.
Concerning the spiritual body, it also craves for food when it is hungry. This is God's responsibility. That's why He provided His Word. His Word is His food--the spiritual body. The only reason why you are told to read and study the Word is because the spirit lives in you. Once your spirit is well fed and taken care of, it will be revealed through the physical body.
Can a hallow body dwell in the same space as an unhallowed body? Not a chance. Can the natural body survive without spiritual food? Not very long. Keep in mind that the spiritual is the Holy Spirit, which is God Himself. All you have to do is feed God His food and watch what happens to your illness or disease. They cannot dwell in the same space as God. One has to go. Just in case you didn't know, you are healed when you eat spiritual food.
Motivation speaker/author Carl Mathis
Author of what's on the Menu? - Steps to healing and break through.
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