The body is two in one, so if you take care of one part, the other will decline at a rate which you will not be able to control. It is uncomfortable to live with only natural food or only spiritual food by itself. However, be careful what you give to the spiritual body. Stay far away from negative conversation, ungodly jokes and degrading remarks. The books and magazines you read should gear toward elevating your spirit man in a positive way. The television shows and the movies you watch should not quench your spiritual ability to perform according to the Word of God. In other words, feed the spirit man with good food and not junk.
When the natural body eats something it is allergic to, it reacts in a strange way. Sometimes you vomit or you might have an outbreak. That tells you that the body does not want to eat whatever you had. Well, it is the same way when it comes to your spiritual body and its food. If you give it something that does not agree with its nature, it will react in a negative way. You will feel awkward and out of place. The correct food for the spirit man is from the Bible; however, if you desire to do something different from the Bible, please make sure it is not hurting your chances of having a total healthy body.
Carl Mathis, author of What's on the Menu - Steps to healing and Breakthrough
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